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Britt Sekulić is a children’s book illustrator and author known for the Peepi Leepi & Vail's Tales children's book series.

Britt has illustrated 8 children’s books with two new releases in 2024: Bossy Boots and Just Call Me Larry. Her steady work includes Fishin' for Trouble, Party Animal, Vail's Tales, Come Along and Dream and The Daily Rounds of a Hound series.


Bossy Boots is the second book in her Peepi Leepi children’s book series, based on her silly sidekick pug, Jussi. More books are in development. 

Britt’s work has been featured on CNN, NBC and ABC  News and has reached #1 in children’s religious fiction on Amazon. She has worked with award-winning journalists, and even has a book she designed that was gifted to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex' son Archie.

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Additional work from Britt includes: book design for childrens’ books Bernie’s First Plane Adventure and Bernie and the Lonely Rhino by CNN journalist Faith Karimi, map design for fiction book Burners by New York Times bestselling author Bob Mayer.


She is also founder of Popstradamus a self-publishing assistant business where she helps authors design and publish their books.


What inspires your drawings?

Pug snuggling, music, yoga, hiking, nature, traveling, daydreams, dream dreams, and the silly moments in between.

I've heard you are a big music buff. Are you on Spotify or Soundcloud? 


Yes! You can find me on Spotify, I have a ton of playlists. Most of my drawing is done with music playing in the background. 


I try my best to squeak in as many little hidden gems as I can in my drawings. Sometimes you'll see pop culture references, or little nods to things I like, or funny things that were said between myself and the author. In theVail's Tales books, I did my best to get in as many personal tidbits about Vail herself in the illustrations, for instance, her favorite colors, favorite foods, I even drew her family and a few of her friends into the book. When we do book readings, I get to tell the kids all the funny stories behind the illustrations. 

What equipment or programs do you use for your drawing?

Mostly my iPad and the Apple Pencil for my drawings these days. I first started working with paper, colored pencil, and a lightbox, but it was terribly painstaking. Now I use Procreate for my drawing. It's easy to use and you can do so many more fun things digitally than you can from drawing on paper. I also use Adobe Photoshop for some final touchups on my desktop and then for the final book design and text layout I use Adobe InDesign. 

Could you illustrate my book? 

I am occasionally available for new book projects! Feel free to email me and we'll see what we can dream up.

How much do you charge?

Every book project is assessed individually. I usually charge a fee per illustration and then for each added service that's needed: text layout, book design, publishing etc.

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